Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5 Tips for Stunning Curb Appeal In Jacksonville,Florida

   The Front Door-yes it is the most important aspect of the entrance. Paint it, clean it, and declutter anything that may distract from the entrance.  Freshen up the mulch, place a plant or two near the door, or a welcoming wreath. Don't clutter the doorway with too many things.  Please no gnomes, garden fairies, or ornate statues.
                                                  My Front Door
     Shrubs and Bushes-They do matter. Over grown shrubs makes a home look tired and old. Trim them to the bottom of the window. It is a good idea to place taller bushes or shrub at the corners of the house to frame it in and in doing so, it takes the sharpness off the corners of the home.  Avoid cacti and other sharp pointed plants, because  they create bad energy for the home. 

     I love landscaping with small trees. I live in Florida, and my home receives the hot afternoon sun so I used crepe myrtles to block the sun's rays and they also provide color for the summer months.
Yes, I should have sweep the walkway...


    Landscape Design- Design for the four seasons.  Attempt to have something blooming year round.  Do you have a lot of little circle islands around your trees?  Are your trees wearing collars? Too many of these circles are distracting and tend to clutter the yard. Trees are beautiful; allow some of  them to stand alone. 

     It is more desirable to line your walkway with more than  one type of flower or the flower will appear to be little “marching soldiers”.  Mix at least two varieties for more interest. Also, use more than one variety of shrubs around the foundation or layer the shrubs for more dimension and  color variation.
                     Colored Mulch-it is popular, but somewhat artificial looking.  Natural bark usually appeals to more buyers.

           De clutter- Hide the trash can and recycle bin. Remove any sick plants. Pull any weeds in beds and grass,and re-sod any bare spots. You want your yard to look as if it is easy to maintain, and not a lot of work for the new buyer.  Dress your yard like a fine lady, give her changes for each season, keep her clean and fresh. 


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